i lived in illinois
i lived in england
i got a tattoo
i had 8 different hair colors (blue-brown-black-pink-purple-black-red-brown)
i had 3 different facial piercings (eyebrow, lip, nose and my nose again..it got pulled out of my face)
i was followed by the cops in my car--a couple times
i shut down a small town in il because i ran over a gas line
i make up designed a show
i make up and costume designed a short film
i changed majors halfway between my college career
i took a ton of band photos
i went to a lot of shows (pedro the lion, the avett brothers, mumford and sons, something corporate, the format, bastian, encounter, five iron frenzy, the insyders, mae, the used, 30 seconds to mars, jimmy eat world, evergreen terrace, norma jean, emery, troubled hubble, the felix cupla, gym class heroes, dave matthews band, blink 182, green day, saves the day, copeland, anberlin, dennison witmer, good charlotte, new found glory, fear before the march of flames, secretary, and too many more that i can't recall)
i graduated with my BFA from millikin
my maternal grandparents died
i started training in Muay Thai with eric haycraft
i lost a lot of weight
got my first niece
went to india, discovered what i'm passionate about
started resc\you
went to nyc with my best friends
i went to sooooooo many gavin degraw concerts in a six month time span
i started and finished graduate school at UofL
i moved to nashville
got a second niece
went to more shows
saw jack white, live in person be brilliant
joined hotbox
made new friends
had many adventures with my best friend
lost my paternal grandmother
worked at three different places
got fired
started resc\you back up, because i was ready
saw the bear,s live in person, dominate the titans
learned how awesome my community and my family really is