I've finally closed up my obligations to my health and fitness/healthy eating blog, so that this one serves as a hot spot for everything I'm interested in. "Hi, My Name is Amos" will be totally Amos. All the time.. Everyday.. Anyway. For those who read "Sift Happens" or just know me in general, know that I have struggled with weight and dieting my entire adult life. In Louisville, I had the best trainers. I lost a considerable amount of weight. When I moved to Nashville, I gained a bunch of weight back. Lack of the discipline that I had in Louisville, consistent training, and the lack of time, played a huge deal in that. Once I got out of the job that brought me to Nashville, got into a good gym, I finally feel like I'm on track to something.
At the turn of 2013, and turning 30, made me really want to make a change. In all parts of my life, not just weight. I feel like I talk about how I want to lose weight all the time. I'm the poster child for a failed New Year's resolution. Anyway, onto topic.
A new instructor started at my gym a few months, maybe a year ago. I have to admit that I was a little judgmental at first. We had a rough start. My sarcastic exterior and....bluntness (maybe?) started us off on the wrong foot. Hilarious side note, I got the new iphone and when I updated, all my texts from 2012 came in. I texted my friend, Terri, this "There's a new instructor at the gym. He's from Cali. He's kinda cocky...but I think he'll be okay". I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't think he was a brilliant trainer. I am southern, if I don't have anything nice to say, I keep it quiet.
(This is Trace. I borrowed this photo from his fitness Facebook page.)
After attending a seminar for Trauma and Eating Disorders, I decided that enough was enough. Either I'm going to do what I have to do, or I'm going to be this way forever. Food has been the longest standing, most abusive relationship I've ever been in. It's been my best friend, my way to celebrate, my nemesis, and everything. That's really sad when I think about it.
I had wanted to start training with Trace awhile back when he first announced that he was taking clients. Then I lost my job and blah blah blah. Then I got too nervous. Getting a trainer this time around meant that I couldn't do this on my own. I have had two other personal trainers and my Muay Thai coach, and I never felt that way. When I moved to Nashville, I thought that this was my forge into the great world of independence and doing everything on my own. I have realized that, especially over the last four months, that I can't do anything on my own. At all. We're not meant to do everything on our own. It takes a lot more strength to ask for help.
(This is a scorecard from the session. It was incredibly difficult to fill it out. Because it hurt to write.)
It took me two days to get the guts to ask. I had to swallow my pride. We decided on Wednesday morning. And I showed up. Partly scared and nervous, partly excited because I was just ready to get going. I didn't have much time to stop and think about what was going on. There was no weigh in, no measuring. No lecture on what I should eat. Just work. I've finally recovered. Ready for more next week.
Here's a photo montage of month one working with Trace. I'll keep you all updated as training moves forward. I think these sessions were the last piece of a puzzle I needed. Since moving to Nashville, and the puzzle had to be redone. I have a feeling it's going to work this time.
Until next time.