oh my gosh, can you believe this is the last day of 2016? it's actually almost over for me, just beginning for most of you on the other side of the globe. and as a gift, you get two entries in a week. 2015 was quite the year. i spent most of it unhappy and searching for something that would change that. then i moved to cambodia. and quite honestly, it's the best decision that i've made. while i miss my friends, my family, reliable transportation, and bourbon...doing what i love to do, makes it all worthwhile. i'm learning a lot about myself, about the world around me, and how i'm going to play a role in how it all changes.
i anticipate a lot of changes in 2016. i say that usually every year, and this year i believe it. i'm going to 'yes' to more things, i'm going to take some more risks and do some stuff that i have dreamt about doing. and i'm going to get my deadlift back up over 200 pounds. i'm going to live life to it's fullest, because i only get one chance at it. i'm going to stop saying i'm too old or too fat or not good enough to take a risk. i mean, i moved to cambodia, i am capable of doing a lot.
what are you planning for 2016?