ahh, april has begun. it's hot season here in phnom penh and it's no joke. hot isn't really even the word to describe it. i think there is a temperature in which humans begin to melt....that's what it feels like. especially in the gym, which doesn't have aircon. lord help us all. i'm a little late on posting my enjoyments. i needed to take a break from writing and concentrate on other things. plus my job has been very busy lately. but without further ado, here are my favorite things from march!
podcast!-women of the hour with lena duham
i'm really late in joining the game with this podcast. i am a fan of lena's hbo show (girls) and her book. i didn't really steadily listen to podcasts until i moved to cambodia. lena interviews an amazing cast of characters, never claims to be an expert on any subject, she's really funny and clever. i always take away something from what she says. my favorite one so far is, body. she interviews some amazing women, including one of my favorite comediennes, aidy bryant. they all talk about the complicated and other damaged relationships women have with their bodies.
book!-game of thrones
*nerd alert* my sister-in-law and i read thru this series a couple years ago, back when the first or second season had started on hbo. i have been a huge fan of the show (i'm pretty sure i threw the remote across the room during the wedding scene...i'm still scarred). the books are by far much better than the show (but that's usually always true). i started re-reading the series this last month. better the second time around.
music!-noah gundersen
i had someone recent ask me what kind of music do i like. it's a very hard question to answer, because i genuinely enjoy all music. i listen to a little from every genre, almost. it all depends on my mood, what i'm doing in that moment, who i'm with, where i'm going. one of my recent (in the last couple years) favorites is, noah gundersen. he writes a lot of very melodic, heartfelt, contemplative, sad songs. my favorites are "slow dancer", "cigarettes", "dying now", "nashville", and "ledges". when i flew home in january, i had a 15 hour layover in seattle, noah's home town. i made a playlist for my ipod, rented a car for 6 hours and drove all over the city, blaring him, death cab for cutie, nirvana, foo fighters, soundgarden, and so many others seattle favorites. when i ever move back to the states, i'd like to hang in seattle for a while.
youtube!-sorted food
my favorite youtube video as of late combines many of my favorite things. 1) british people, 2) cooking, 3) the comedy duo, jack and dean, 4) competition, 5) batman. the video is from my new favorite channel, sorted food. they make all kinds of really yummy food and make it hilarious.
experience!-the crossfit open
i never really wanted to be part of the crossfit crowd back in the states. i had been to several gyms, and they never felt right. (minus, crossfit615..they were an exception). it always felt kinda cult-ish. i always heard stories about people getting hurt, saw videos of really horrible lifting form, felt excluded in their gyms. when i moved to phnom penh, the crossfit gym here came with a really good recommendation from my boss. so i tried it out and i loved it. the month of march was basically a twisted crossfit holiday, the open. i had to modify a lot of the workouts, but i still got to compete. i deadlifted 70kg, or 155 pounds, 55 times. (the photo above is of my hands after the workout.) i pushed myself harder than i ever have in a workout. i joined a team, which i needed here. crossfit amatak has given me a place to belong outside of my job. it's helped make phnom penh home, and not just work. since the open, i have pr'ed my deadlifts at 105 kgs (231 pounds), strict press at 31 kg (68 pounds), my front squat at 55 kg (121 pounds), and a 2000km row in 10:56. being the fat kid in the gym is never easy, especially if you're treated like the fat kid. my coaches haven't made me feel any different. i'm just as much of an athlete as anyone else who walks in the door, short/tall, fat/thin, male/female.
so those are some of my favorite things i enjoyed in march. this morning is going to be an exciting one! i *finally* bought a website, so soon this will be himynameisamos.com!!!!!! be patient with me as i move everything over and get stuff going. i am also starting a youtube channel! i'll post later this week with more details on both.
have a great day!