good lawd, how did april go so fast?! april was jammed packed full of things for me. we celebrated khmer new year mid-april, it was pretty busy work-wise, and it's hot season. hot season is no joke, yall. luckily, at the end of this week, i will be heading to scotland for vacation. it snowed there yesterday, i hate snow, but that sounds amazing. anyway, i need to be better about updating. i have been slacking, so i have a few entries ready to go and set to publish while i'm in scotland.
here are the things i enjoyed during the month of april!
i tend to read non-fiction. however, since things have been busy and mildy overwhelming, i escape to outlandish tales like harry potter. i've read them all several times. i have caught myself going back and forth between these. it gives me a mental vacation, a great escape from phnom penh. which is always needed.
i just discovered this podcast from the dudes from emery. a) i miss southern accents, you don't hear them often in phnom penh. b) it's one of the most real conversations about life, christianity, the church, and so many things. i have been a huge fan of emery for a while, i think i still have their demo somewhere in my box of cds, from when they played a generator stage at cornerstone. check it out.
two words for you. brooks ritter, yall. okay, that's three. whatever. brooks is not only one of my favorite bluesy folk singer songwriters, but he was one of my favorite baristas. and an incredible dancer. i love how he puts songs together, they tell stories and sometimes punch you in the gut. he has stuff on youtube and a few cds out. i recommend starting with "the horse fell lame". i also love his song "the war". the dude has pipes.
i. love. hannah. hart. she's hilarious, positive, open, and real. she makes me laugh. she has a new book coming out in the fall, called buffering, that i'm really excited to read. she has stories for everyone to relate to, and all of that helps you feel less strange. and an added plus, she's hilarious.
a few weeks ago, i had to go to pursat for work. i hadn't been to any of the provinces yet. traveling around cambodia isn't as easy as it is in the states. it took us about 6 hours to travel a couple hundred miles. it was really fun to see a different part of the country that i call home now and i got to spend time with my team. we went to this park with a temple, it was so beautiful. we fed the fish and sat outside and talked. it was really great.
and that was april. may is going to be really exciting and full of adventure and more things. i'll see yall later this week. peace out.