i feel like i haven't been here in a while..then i remember i wrote most of my entries in one day because i was gone on vacation this month! so here we are, in june. crazy. we are halfway through 2016. this year has truly been a rollercoaster already, and we are only halfway there. anyway, the end of may means another installment of enjoyments.
confident and insecure by jack howard
(excuse the language in the video, if you're sensitive to that.)
to be honest, i didn't watch a lot of youtube this month. most of it, i was in scotland and internet was kind of spotty. i also wasn't looking for entertainment as much, because...scotland. but! i watched a video on jack howards channel, called "confident and insecure". which rang true for me. at a leadership meeting not too long ago, we had to go around the table and give one good quality and one bad quality about each person at the table. one that i got from pretty much everyone at the table is that i'm confident. which i feel i am the furthest away from. i mean, i am confident in my skills as a therapist. there's always room for growth, but i feel like this is something i'm just made to do. i was made to do help people get through parts of their lives that are a struggle to them; carry the load if you will. but, on the other hand, i feel the most insecure about myself. this video hit some good points.
i bought like 16 books in scotland. okay, maybe not that many, but close. during my trip from cambodia to scotland, i read bobby bones book, "bare bones". bobby is a country radio dj from nashville (and broadcasts all over the country). i'm sorry, dad, (i know you read this) but his morning show is really hilarious. blame terri, she made me do it. anyway, this is his memoir and it's pretty good. he's worked really hard to get where he is now. it's a great book to read to let you know that success doesn't come from who you know, but how hard you grind. he writes very conversationally and that's my favorite style for nonfiction writing. give it a read, even if you aren't a country music fan.
my high school self has taken over my listening tendencies this month. i've listened to blink 182 more often than i should admit for being a 33 year old woman. no shame in this game. they were a heavy influence on me to dye my hair blue and get my lip pierced. my mom was so proud.
last month i talked about the bad christian podcast, this month i have listened to more episodes of that and break it down with matt carter. matt is the guitarist for emery. him and toby are two of the guys in the bad christian podcast. my favorite episodes are the two that cover the festival in texas that emery played and didn't get paid for. he did an entire episode with the guy who ran the festival! that had to be the most awkward interview to do. i had to start and stop that one. i don't mind conflict, but i don't like to participate in someone else's. so incredibly awkward. but he handled it well and like a gentleman. and overall, it made me miss emery shows. and my friends.
scotland, duh! my mom booked this trip over a year ago. this was her third time on this trip (i could swear it was like her 10th or something) with liz curtis higgs. liz is an author and she has written many historical scottish fiction books. i haven't read any of them (i'm not a big fiction reader). it was great to spend time with my mom, i hadn't seen anyone from the states in over 5 months. scotland is beautiful and so much fun. i saw castles and trees and grass (it's amazing how much you miss those). i also met some really fantastic ladies while i was there. liz taught every morning, which was fun too. she spoke about something, that i'll write more about in the coming week, so stay tuned for that.
june will be full of surprises too. i'm leading art groups every day at work. i'm leaving for thailand tomorrow. i have my reading list ready. see you next week!