wow. june. how did you go so fast?!? seriously? i feel like we just celebrated new year's . this month was jam packed with stuff, so i'm excited to share with you the june's enjoyments. blog!! i'm adding a new section to enjoyments. i read a lot of different blogs for inspiration, so i want to share my favorites with you!
tiff is my gym buddy. my reliable and encouraging deadlifting partner. her and her friend, cait, write an amazing blog. i look forward to every post. keep an eye out for them, they're world-changers.
carrie brownstein is one of those ladies that can do everything. she's a musician, she acts, she writes, we get're awesome, carrie. i looked up to her when i was growing up. sleater-kinney was one of the bands that lead me to discover more punk rock. this book is an easy read and there are some hilarious moments, as predicted. she wrote very honestly about her struggles, even ones she has today.
hamilton. enough said.
i hate that i have to post a video about mass shootings. but our nation has had way too many to count. we need to start having some conversations about a lot of things. this entry is not for that discussion...and honestly, i don't know how qualified i am to have those discussions. however, some changes need to made.
say what you will, i think rob bell is pretty great. this podcast was heartbreaking, as is this situation. he brings a great perspective and dialog. my favorite point he made was that we don't have the words to help, but we are here to sit with those grieving. even if it's just to sit in silence with them.
i went to bangkok for the second time. and it was a blast. my crossfit coach and another friend were competing in the asia championships, so a few of us tagged along. it was awesome. my friend, katie, and i went on a cruise at sunset along the river. it was beautiful and relaxing. bangkok is so busy and fun.