Based in louisville, kentucky, "hi my name is amos", is a blog and youtube channel about mental health, body image, and managing life. 

last day behind the desk-goodbye, cambodia

i sit here at my desk in my office that i share with about seven other people. i probably shouldn't be writing at work, but i couldn't find a better place to write and say goodbye. today will be filled with cleaning out my desk, some last minute organization, working out, last minute coffee dates, a late dinner, and goodbyes. 

this year has been great. i feel like i've grown up so much, learned so much, and changed. i got to fulfill my lifelong dream of doing clinical work abroad for a population that i care so much about. it's been really great. the people i've worked with have been wonderful, the girls that have come through the doors are phenomenally strong, and i couldn't have asked for a better experience. 

one of the biggest things that i have learned is that i am capable of taking that leap and not landing on my back. i found a quote from my father the other day on my memories part of facebook that said, "your brother is a build a net and jump kind of person. you're a jump and build a net on the way down kind of person". this has been a year of challenge and self-discovery, that i probably would never have gotten. now i know longer have to dream of this, i've experienced it. 

somethings end when they're good. it's time to start a new season. who knows what's going to happen once i'm settled back in the usa, but it's exciting to think about. i want to make a global change. i want to see the world become a better place. and i'm really excited to try new things and not play it so safe all the time. 

to my cambodian (born there and living there) friends who read this, i love you so much. you have made a profound impact on my life. the world is small and our paths will cross again. it's been real. see you soon. 

open hands
